It was about a month ago that I laid down on yet another ultrasound table with great fear and anticipation. What should have been a healthy 9-week baby was found to be significantly smaller than expected. It's hard to express in words how it felt to receive this news. Yet. Again. It felt like time stopped...
Three times in the last year we have gotten the best news of our lives in the form of a pee stick, "Pregnant." And three times we have gotten the dreaded news that our baby has gone to be with Jesus, seemingly all too soon.
Needless to say, it has been a roller coaster of a year. I hardly know how to begin expressing what God is doing in Kevin and me, but I know that He is doing something profound, and that something needs to be shared. Not for your or my sake, but for the sake of sharing God's story. I have been deeply challenged to believe over the last few months especially, that my messy story is not my own to be held onto and locked away, or shared only when my trust-instincts confirm that I'm not about to be hurt.
My human tendency is, big surprise, SELFISH. I want to hold my pain close and rarely share it. To move scarcely forward and to tuck the precious memory of these pregnancies into the secret depths of my soul. Only to be felt by me...lonely and despairing me. My tendency is to resist comfort, whether from others OR from the Holy Spirit. I am inclined to think that life is cruel and that comfort and peace are so far away that I may not ever feel them in the same way again.
But praise God! In this pain and heartbreak, He is giving Kevin and me the most profound measures of his comfort and peace. Before the desperation of this past year, I don't think I had a deep yearning to feel the peace or comfort of God. I don't remember praying for peace or comfort because I saw no significant void in my life. It's not that I had no need for God, but the ugly self-righteousness blocked my view of the cross and its magnitude. So it is now in this crippling weakness that I feel our heavenly Father picking me up spiritually, emotionally, and physically and pouring His Spirit and strength into my dry and weary bones.
So in response to that gift of strength in the storm, and in response to His cradling love in brokenness, I would like to crawl up into the lap of our savior and let Him continue to strengthen me as I share my story with you in order that God's story may be understood more clearly and more glory be given to his name.
Over the next few blog posts, I will attempt to share what God has been doing in my heart, my life, my friendships, and our marriage as we walk through (and hopefully out of) this dark valley.
Just know this:
-I very much still believe God is faithful, loving, and sovereign.
-I may say some things that you disagree with. I am aware that I am not an expert in medicine or theology. I know I don't have all the answers. But please be sensitive in your comments. My heart is soft and vulnerable.
-I am sharing this NOT for attention or for pity, but to share the part of His story that He has entrusted to us through our lives and our suffering. We don't think our story is in any way better or more meaningful than anyone else's. I just feel compelled to share what the grace of God has provided in my life over the last year, I would love to hear your story too.
- I love you for reading this, and I am (more than ever) so grateful for your prayers, friendship, and love.
I love you Liv. -Lily
you and Kevin are in my prayers, Olivia! i know God will bless both for your strong faith!
As someone who has battled infertility I know some of the pain you are feeling. I am praying for you on this journey, praying God shows up in miraculous ways, praying you always find a way to give him praise! Thanks for sharing your journey,
Livs, I can't imagine what you and Kev are going through right now and my heart is just breaking with you and for you. Waiting for your dreams is the toughest challenge God can give. I'm praying for both of you that he continue to show you his grace and that you continue to find your strength in him! I love you Livs and I'm praying for you.
My dearest daughter,
Sharing in your pain and praising the The Father of compassion, knowing that the God of all comfort, is comforting you in your troubles, so that you can comfort those in trouble with the comfort you yourself have received from God. 2 Cor.1: 3-4. He will supply all your needs. Hang on. Love you! Mom
Beautifully written.
Thank you for sharing your story and your beautiful life with us. It is so easy to share our successes and joys and try to ignore the painful and confusing pieces of our story. I'm reminded of a quote by Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
"In a world where success is the measure and justification of all things, the figure of him who was sentenced and crucified remains a stranger."
For as we share abundantly in Christ's sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too.
(2 Corinthians 1:5 ESV)
I was genuinely blessed by God through reading your blog today and continue to pray for Gods comfort and lap to hold all that you and Kev need.
In the praise of His glorious grace!
My friend Elizabeth W. just sent me a link to your blog...I had a D&E yesterday after the loss of our baby ...thanks for sharing your journey. Good to hear the stories of others on what feels like such a lonely road.
Okay, so if you want to keep following my blog, this blog got ruined, SOO you can go to! Just so you know! THanks guys ;)
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