Friday, June 26, 2009

Superpower Friday

Do you ever feel so overwhelmed with life that you just are on the brink of breaking down? I really mean this today when I say TGIF!! (Even though tomorrow is a 12 hour conference at church and Sunday is all booked up too.)

I'm not about to go jump-overboard-crazy, but it could be in the near future. (And I don't mean that in a literal way.) I'm just curious and kind of nervous for what will happen when I start having kids. I do not want to have nervous breakdowns, be an energy vampire, a complainer, or a stressed person in life, and the way things are headed doesn't look good. I need to change something because I'm a frazzled and tired person 65% of the time. 

If I had one magical power, it would be that I could fly. I think that could be the most exhilarating thing, and maybe it would be relaxing and theraputic.  I was going to say that I wish I could make more hours in the day, but that would be screwing with God's divine plan for time. I mean, don't we all practically beg for Fridays to roll around?

Maybe I would wish for the secret power of never needing the vampires in the Twilight saga. But I love naps, and I love cuddling up under the covers to sleep next to the love of my life during rainstorms and cold winter nights. 

How about the secret power of never being tired when you wake up in the morning? Yes, that sounds SO LOVELY!!  I would just wake up at 4am everyday! I would DEFINITELY do my hour of yoga that I've been neglecting, maybe go for a run, and spend some time writing until 7 when I needed to get ready for work!  

Okay, I just thought of another SWEET superpower. I know people who have this one. I would like to be inherently NEAT. just never messy or sloppy in life (handwriting, dishes, desk, kitchen, bedroom, living room) I just would be so pulled-together and organized. What a PEACEFUL LIFE!!! 

I guess I'm just going to need a few! ;o)

What would your super power be?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Atmosphere and People make it all happen

Have you ever tried to sit down and enjoy your morning cup of coffee, but there is just stress in the air? Some coffee shops (a few Starbucks in this area have earned this reputation in my mind)  just hold an aura of stress and distress. People rushing in to get their coffee hardly take a moment to smile or pause. Another coffee shop that I LOVE the atmosphere in has really awkward people working there...Therefore I can't enjoy my coffee in peace. (Not to mention their lack of wireless ;)

I'm in a new coffee shop today "Cup A Joe" and can I just say, it's the perfect little spot! 
All the chairs have armrests, first of all. 
Second, they're playing Michael Buble music and oldies.
Third, their coffee of the day was called "Fudge Brownie" and it's delightful.
Fourth, There are pictures under glass on each table.
Fifth, the coffee was only 1.30 so I gave the guy 2 bucks and got an amazing cup of coffee with a free refill.
Sixth, the ceilings are high and it's the perfect temperature: not too hot, not too cold. 

I'm in heaven. I could sit in a coffee shop on my Mac all day long (especially since the battery lasts literally 4 hours longer than my Dell!) However, I do have to go to my lovely job. I enjoy my job, but not as much as I would enjoy the job of an author/journaler/blogger all day long. Maybe I should be a coffee-shop reviewer for a local newspaper (since they're hiring and

What is your favorite coffee shop like? Or maybe it's just your living room?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Stuffed to the brim

Okay, so I think a hot dog eating contest is the grossest thing to ever be invented (perhaps??) but I feel like I just competed in one!!

I don't know why I do it, but every few months I forget how horrible it feels to eat too much. I did it today. It wasn't all at once either...but good things kept coming into my usual in the corporate world. Sadly, today, I didn't turn anything away. Then, when Kevin and I went out for date night tonight, I ate a stuffed baked potato and frozen yogurt with a freshly baked waffle cone (probably my very biggest weakness). Even after dumping out a big scoop so I could get to the cone, I was hardly able to move. 

You gotta hate those days where you just use little to no discernment :(

If I could eat guilt free for a day, this is what I would eat lots of:
1) Freshly baked chocolate chip cookies
2) Waffle cones
3) Pizza

Here are my healthy pleasures:
1) Salads...almost any kind!
2) Strawberries, peaches, and blueberries
3) Orange Juice
4) Milk
5) Oatmeal
6) Cereal
7) Lettuce Wraps
8) Turkey
9) String Cheese
10) Cottage Cheese (still gotta get my cheese).

I really do love healthy food! I just don't always do a good job of making it!

What are your favorite guilty and unguilty food pleasures?

Friday, June 12, 2009

I carry your heart with me, I carry it in my heart

I think this picture is beautiful. I typed in "Emotional" in an image search, and this is what came up. But sometimes emotions aren't beautiful.  I've had a really hard week. Work has been tough...people keep quitting the internship and no one wants to interview with me. We have a top 10 internship in the country and the #3 best company to sell for in the UNITED STATES but no one even wants an interview. They're scared of commission. I understand, but in a market like this, you'd think we'd have people groveling at our door for an interview.

I've had nightmares almost every night and have been on the verge of tears at one point each day this week. Being a woman and handling emotions carefully is pretty stinking hard. And to top it all off, I think about how much I want a baby at least 10 times a day. WHY DO I WANT A BABY SO BAD?!

I wish I could say that the reason I haven't blogged much this week was because I've been steadily and busily writing my novel...but oh how far that is from the truth! I just kept saying, "oh I'll take a day off" "I'll take a week off..." and so on.  Therefore, I have to start again. And once rehersals start for Seussical the Musical, my free time is going down the drain! ...(Speaking of Seussical, though, it's going to be a really good time. My next entry will be all about it!)

But yes, it's been a crappy week. I felt like I was on a mountain top for a long time, and when I went out of town for the weekend and didn't get rested up at all/didn't get our house clean at all, it just all started sliding downhill. And here I am at the bottom, looking up, wishing I didn't have to climb so hard to get back up.  Lord, I need you to pick me up...

This is my favorite love poem. Just something to pick me up on a day/week like this one.
i carry your heart with me by E. E. Cummings
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

A pirate? A bell boy?

This hilarious bell man at our hotel was actually wearing a pirate hat! So I had to get a picture. I don't think he knew what was going on though, when I held up my computer to his face! haha. I just said, "SMILE!!" and caught this classic moment. Probably not hotel policy ;o)

The Burnam

Staying at a hotel right now that's right out of a stinkin book.  It makes me think of's very old school and GORGEOUS! but I could see it being ultra-creepy. Not to mention, the name itself is pronounced "Burn-em." It's cool though.  I had a wonderful time at dinner last night with my little brother and sisters! We were celebrating my older sister, Jill's,  birthday, and it's been since CHRISTMAS that we've all been together! 

Funniest moment from dinner last night: I wanted to show off my new crossfit muscles to my siblings, right? So at one point in the meal, I whipped my arm into a flexed position and said, "I'm freakin swoll, ok?" At that VERY moment, the man working at Cosi walked up and said, "Can I take any of your dishes?" as he unsuccessfully tried to stifle his grin. It was embarrassing but its okay, because I'm used to making a fool out of myself. 

Then the younger ones and I took the train downtown late last night and it was Jessica's first Metra ride, so that was quite fun.  

Can I just share with you all how I have been so blessed this week.

I have been praying for God to use me, and to show up big in my life-even though I'm not specifically working in the ministry. I kinda wanted to go into the ministry after college, but I didn't feel a specific call just yet besides my writing (Which I hope will soon flourish into a wonderful ministry).  

Here's how God answered my prayers: 
In the last week I've just gotten a rediculous amount of opportunities to share the love of Christ with people. It sounds cliche, but my heart has just been so ful, almost to the point of explosion with Joy. Just hearing these people's stories and their struggles has really encouraged me to ask more people their stories. 

You, people of the world, have fascinating stories to share. What I'm learning, that I was timid about asking before, is that you're dying to tell your story to someone who is willing to listen!  

I CANNOT wait to see what kind of huge things God is about to do. We have to expect and ask big to receive big. I'm just BLOWN away, really. Getting away from home for a night has been really nice. I've had a few minutes this morning, before everyone got up, to just "be still and know that God is God." and the scripture "Taste and see that the Lord is good" has become SO vivid to me over the last year. I just can't help but be SO FREAKIN JOYFUL! I would go dance on the roof-west-side-story style right now if I could, but I'd rather not go to jail or heaven this morning, because it's a beautiful day. And we all know I want babies before I die, (and before Jesus comes back lol).

PS1. Just to let you all know, I'm blogging on my new MACBOOK RIGHT NOW!!!!! It's freakin awesome. I haven't figured it all out yet, but wow. It's crazy. I think I need a real mouse, because this clicker pad is weird and kinda inaccurate. Any tips? Do Macs not have a delete button that deletes from the right side? Because that will drive me freakin insane when I'm writing like a freak all the time. :o( 

Ps2. My mom went to a writer's conference this weekend and I had her buy me a bunch of CDs from previous years...PLUS she got tons of tips. So inspiring. I'll report soon...

BE Blessed!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A life WITH God

Okay people. I'm done with not making time for God in my daily life. And so are many Christians. Maybe you've hit a plateau and just can't seem to break through. Well, the 60-60 experiment is a wonderful option for you.

For the next 60 days, we are going to walk in unity with God. We will form the habit of talking to God and sharing our every moment with Him.

I'm in this group on facebook, and I think it's an amazing idea. Here are the directions:

The 60 60 Experiment

God wants to do life with you moment by moment. As you are willing, he will guide you into an amazing experience of life. Not where everything goes as you wish on the outside, but where God produces what you've longed for on the inside. This 60-60 Experiment can start you down that path as you learn to connect with God in a continuous conversation, using reminders every 60 minutes to reorient. The goal is a moment-by-moment connection, but this takes practice. Don't worry if you get sidetracked or off course along the way; just begin again.

1. Be aware of God's presence. With every beep of the watch or every reminder you see, stop and simply acknowledge God's presence with you, and thank him that he cares about you and wants to help you through your day. You may want to memorize 1 Peter 5:7 to remind yourself that he cares: "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."

2. Converse with God about everything. The goal is to be mindful all the time. Open your mind to talk over with God all your thoughts, worries, work challenges, decisions, temptations, and failures throughout your day. Instead of just talking to yourself about them, talk it over with God. He will honor this as you stay diligent.

Think of it this way, you can't control the future, you can't change the past, but if you can have a good moment right now by living faithfully with God, followed by another and another, you'll have a good day - a faith-filled, fruitful day. And if you have a fruiful tomorrow, and the next day and the next, you'll end up becoming all God intended!

I hear people complain all the time about not feeling close to God, not sure they can trust him, not sure God cares. But they never committed to staying connected to God in their daily life, and when they do take time to communicate, the communication is 'one-sided'. Rather then doing life with God, it's all a religious, formal, ritualistic meeting for them. I'm convinced God desires an unrehearsed, gut-level, rigorously honest conversation throughout the moments of the day.

So you're getting cranked up at work, your stress level starts to red-line, and the beeper goes off--or you see the sticker on your computer, "Re:60-60". Are you aware? God's here! Open the conversation in the midst: "Lord, I'm getting wound up here. I'm feeling burdened. Jesus said, the life you want for me isn't burdensome (Matt. 11:28-29)--so help me. Show me how to do this your way."
Or maybe you're right in the middle of some thought or action you know is wrong. The temptation is to hide from God, but do you really think that's possible? No--it's just detrimental. So instead, you open up communication and ask, "God, what am I doing? I know this is not your will. Thank you that because of Christ, you forgive me for this too, so I don't have to hide from you. Come help me. Help me do the next thing right."
Lets do this thang and see how God MOVES!! I'll be posting my updates. Accountability is KEY to living a life in the spirit! Let me know what you're doing to grow.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We got too much stuff!

Here's the deal people: We have too much stuff.

I am not obsessed with fashion, nor am I a shopaholic. (Well, maybe only a 25% shopaholic.)
HOWEVER, my closet and dresser are busting at the seams. If we have all of our laundry clean and put away *which I'm pretty sure has NEVER happened* it simply does not fit.

I heard once that for every new thing you buy, you should get rid of something old that you don't wear. I think that's an AWESOME idea because there are people who need clothes really bad.

Therefore, I'm instituting a "No Apologies" challenge for who can get rid of the most stuff. I took 3 pairs of shoes and a huge bag of clothes to Salvation Army yesterday but I still have much more to go through

I'm sick of being a materialistic American who has a closet full of things that I haven't worn in a long time. I KNOW it's hard to get rid of stuff that you think you just might wear someday. I want to bust that myth right now. If you haven't worn it in a year, you WILL NOT WEAR IT (unless it's an evening gown/tux). Toss it. Unless it's super cute, then sell it to Ritzy Reruns or a resale shop where you can get some moolah out of it! Clean out every drawer. Throw out the ratty, pit-stained, too small, or too big. You will feel SO much better!

Here's the criteria for stuff that needs thrown away, taken from another blog (
20. You use the word “someday” to describe it—as in “someday I may want to practice make-up application using that mannequin head I found in my aunt’s attic.”
19. You forgot you owned it for more than a month, and remembering doesn’t evoke any type of emotional response (beyond generic statements, such as “I like it” or “I need it.”)
18. If you had a yard sale and someone offered $20 for it, you’d hand it over in a heartbeat.
17. If your friend gave it to you as a Christmas gift you’d make a mental note along the lines of “Give Lisa alphabet magnets and socks next year.”
16. If your friends asked you why you have it you’d turn into Deepak Chopra, saying something like, “We are all connected. You, me, that orange hobby horse.”
15. Its broken or, even worse, obsolete (i.e.: your old car phone).
14. If you decided to spend a year traveling you wouldn’t consider bringing it with you.
13. If you had to spend $20 every month maintaining it, you’d decide it isn’t worth it.
12. You’d admit it may be someone else’s trash, but have no justification for it being your treasure.
11. You cannot complete this sentence with an action verb: “I will use this to…”
10. If your child accidentally damaged it, your knee jerk reaction would be “I didn’t really need it anyway.”
9. It hurts to think about it: Your ex-boyfriend gave it to you. Your mother-in-law said you need it, but you disagree. You fit in it before your love affair with curly fries.
8. You got it from someone else and admit you’d never spend money your own money on it.
7. The Salvation Army might say no if you tried to donate it.
6. If you asked your mother’s opinion about keeping it, she might say something like, “Well, what do you think? That’s all that really matters!”
5. It smells like moth balls because it rarely sees the light of day.
4. Learning how to use it would take more time than you will ever devote. (And be honest—do you really think metal casting is your thing?)
3. You’re keeping it out of guilt—it’s still new in the box; it looks like something a smart person would appreciate; it’s a classic 500-page book you should have read freshman year in college.
2. You keep saying it could be valuable one day—but who are you kidding. You never want anyone else to have it!
1. You would never clutch it and say “My precious” in a gesture of playful self-mocking. (Assume you’re the kind of person who goes to medieval fairs and quotes Lord of the Rings.)
If it’s not valuable, meaningful, or important to your life, either trash it give it away. You’re likely only attached to the memory it holds, so why not just take a picture? Make a photo album of the things you loved but didn’t need and then reclaim your space.
Know any other signs? Add them to the list! Or if you have something that doesn’t pass the 20-signs-test but you still want to keep it, let me know. I’m fascinated by the way we attach to things.

June 2 still is considered Spring. So let's get our spring clean on and breathe a little easier!!

Now excuse me while I go try on 10 outfits before I got to work this morning ;o)