Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Burnam

Staying at a hotel right now that's right out of a stinkin book.  It makes me think of's very old school and GORGEOUS! but I could see it being ultra-creepy. Not to mention, the name itself is pronounced "Burn-em." It's cool though.  I had a wonderful time at dinner last night with my little brother and sisters! We were celebrating my older sister, Jill's,  birthday, and it's been since CHRISTMAS that we've all been together! 

Funniest moment from dinner last night: I wanted to show off my new crossfit muscles to my siblings, right? So at one point in the meal, I whipped my arm into a flexed position and said, "I'm freakin swoll, ok?" At that VERY moment, the man working at Cosi walked up and said, "Can I take any of your dishes?" as he unsuccessfully tried to stifle his grin. It was embarrassing but its okay, because I'm used to making a fool out of myself. 

Then the younger ones and I took the train downtown late last night and it was Jessica's first Metra ride, so that was quite fun.  

Can I just share with you all how I have been so blessed this week.

I have been praying for God to use me, and to show up big in my life-even though I'm not specifically working in the ministry. I kinda wanted to go into the ministry after college, but I didn't feel a specific call just yet besides my writing (Which I hope will soon flourish into a wonderful ministry).  

Here's how God answered my prayers: 
In the last week I've just gotten a rediculous amount of opportunities to share the love of Christ with people. It sounds cliche, but my heart has just been so ful, almost to the point of explosion with Joy. Just hearing these people's stories and their struggles has really encouraged me to ask more people their stories. 

You, people of the world, have fascinating stories to share. What I'm learning, that I was timid about asking before, is that you're dying to tell your story to someone who is willing to listen!  

I CANNOT wait to see what kind of huge things God is about to do. We have to expect and ask big to receive big. I'm just BLOWN away, really. Getting away from home for a night has been really nice. I've had a few minutes this morning, before everyone got up, to just "be still and know that God is God." and the scripture "Taste and see that the Lord is good" has become SO vivid to me over the last year. I just can't help but be SO FREAKIN JOYFUL! I would go dance on the roof-west-side-story style right now if I could, but I'd rather not go to jail or heaven this morning, because it's a beautiful day. And we all know I want babies before I die, (and before Jesus comes back lol).

PS1. Just to let you all know, I'm blogging on my new MACBOOK RIGHT NOW!!!!! It's freakin awesome. I haven't figured it all out yet, but wow. It's crazy. I think I need a real mouse, because this clicker pad is weird and kinda inaccurate. Any tips? Do Macs not have a delete button that deletes from the right side? Because that will drive me freakin insane when I'm writing like a freak all the time. :o( 

Ps2. My mom went to a writer's conference this weekend and I had her buy me a bunch of CDs from previous years...PLUS she got tons of tips. So inspiring. I'll report soon...

BE Blessed!


jennmann said...

to delete from the right side simply hold the "fn" button (on the bottom row on the far left) and then hit delet :)

Joanne said...

Wow, your new Mac looks amazing, enjoy, wishing you many happy writing hours at your new Keyboard :)

Liv Ryan said...

THANKS GUYS!!! oh man, i'm so glad it can delete backwards.